Modalities of study for horn and trumpet

A- Full study
B- Kids Mode

C- Talonaries

* Modalities of study for trombone and tuba:
A- full study.

* Tuition fees can be found on the page of each chair.


The number of talonarios depends of the professor’s availability.

FOR THE 2025-2026 COURSE

Registration Form

Formulario -inscripcion-2025-2026

Nuevo Formulario-inscripcion-2024-2025



Video Audition:
You can audition now by sending us a video (uploaded to YouTube).
You will be notified by email within 3 days whether you have been accepted.
This way, you can secure your place for the 2025-2026 course and plan your schedule in advance!

In-person Audition:
Saturday, March 29, 2025, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

Av. Ciudad de Matanzas Nº 5, 03005 Alicante Or via video (uploaded to YouTube) sent to:

Deadline: March 20, 2025


Invitation and obtaining of
“Beca Brass Academy  Great Talent” 2024-2025” 

Three full scholarships will be offered (one for each of the following specialities):

  • HORN

Requirements to Apply for the Scholarship

No age limits.

Scholarships will be awarded based on the scores obtained in the admission tests (either in-person or via video).

To be eligible for this scholarship, candidates must participate in the in-person auditions at the Academy’s headquarters on March 29, 2025, or submit a video (uploaded to YouTube) before March 20, 2025 to The application form must be completed correctly and include a digital photo.

The artistic committee will decide, based on the musical evaluation, whether the candidate is eligible for one of the “Brass Academy Alicante Great Talent” Scholarships or not.


  • Students who have been accepted as full-time students and are already receiving a scholarship from another institution to study at the Academy will not be eligible for the “Brass Academy Alicante Great Talent” Scholarship.
  • Scholarships are reserved for students who do not receive any other type of financial aid.



At the end of the academic year of study at the Brass Academy Alicante, the artistic director of the Academy gives the student a Diploma of Studies according to the studies and modalities carried out.

 Full study mode

Trumpet, Horn, Trombone, and Tuba
This program is designed for students aged 16 and older who are pursuing professional training and seek serious and intensive instrumental study. It is also aimed at professionals interested in improving their technique, interpretation, or preparing for competitions and auditions nationally or abroad with our internationally experienced faculty.

In this modality, the Academy offers:

Individual lessons.

Opportunities to participate in brass ensembles, focusing on concerts and orchestral repertoire.

Special emphasis on orchestral training and the development of excellent technical skills.

Enrollment Fee: See details for each faculty.

Payment Options for Full Study Program:

First installment (reservation): Up to April 11, 2025
Accepted candidates must pay a minimum of 500 Euros as a registration and reservation fee by April 11, 2025.
This reservation fee is non-refundable in case of cancellation by the student.

Second installment: 500 Euros, by June 30, 2025.

Third installment: The remaining tuition fee, to be paid by September 25, 2025.


Methods of payment of tuition fees 

Bank transfer:

Brass Academy  Alicante
Alicante Arts Coop.

IBAN ES90 2100 5129 4602 0003 1964
La Caixa 


* When making the transfer please do not forget to put in concept:
Name Instrument and your first and last name.
Send copy of the receipt by e-mail:


    Only for Trumpet and Horn

This modality is designed for technical improvement or preparation for orchestral auditions or competitions.

5-class annual voucher “S”: 450 Euros

10-class annual voucher “M”: 900 Euros


Valid only during the 2024-2025 academic year.

Individual 60-minute lessons with the main faculty.
Free participation as an observer in all Masterclasses and other sessions at Brass Academy Alicante.

Payment: Vouchers must be paid at the time of registration.


For former students of the Brass Academy who do not want to lose contact with the
* 200 Euros for year
Possibility to participate as an active musician in the ensembles of the Brass Academy Alicante (rehearsals and concerts) or as a free listener in all national and international masterclasses and classes.

* Invitation and free admission to Brass Academy concerts.
* Information by e-mail of all activities of the Academy.
* Support to the Academy with this amount.

A €200 discount will be applied to the full study mode for payments made before September 20th, 2025