Antonio José Vera Escribano

Born in Málaga (1986), Antonio began his musical studies at the early age of 6 in the Municipal Band of his hometown, Antequera, under the guidance of Professor Juan Medina Maza, from whom he acquired his first knowledge of the trumpet. He later pursued his studies at the “Manuel Carra” Professional Conservatory of Music and the Málaga Higher Education Conservatory of Music under the tutelage of professors José Antonio Aragón and Antonio Portillo, obtaining top honors and the highest grades. He subsequently completed a Postgraduate University Expert degree in Instrumental Performance, specializing in trumpet, awarded by the International University of Andalusia (UNIA), under the guidance of professors Reinhold Friedrich, William Forman, Luís González, Gabrielle Cassone, and Kristian Steenstrup.

From the age of twelve, and to further his studies, he took lessons from Benjamín Moreno (OSRTVE). For five years, he studied at the Barenboim-Said Orchestral Studies Academy, receiving lessons from Rainer Auerbach (Staatskapelle Berlin).
Since 2012, he has studied at the Brass Academy Alicante, following the guidance of his mentor Rudolf Korp (Tonkünstlerorchester and Vienna Brass), refining his technique and expanding his knowledge, particularly in the orchestral field.

He has attended masterclasses and received private instruction from prestigious professors such as Gábor Tarkövi, Martin Angerer, Reinhold Friedrich, Hakan Hardenberger, Esteban Batallán, Thomas Clamor, Martín Baeza, David Bilger, Laura Vukovratovich, Michael Sachs, Eric Aubier, Luís González, William Forman, Gabrielle Cassone, Ángel San Bartolomé, Juan Antonio Soriano Antón, Tamás Dávida, Jorge Giner, Alejandro Gómez, Antonio Martí, Spanish Brass, John Aigi, José M. San Bartolomé, among others. In the field of jazz, he has received lessons from Julián Sánchez Carballo.

Antonio has been a member of prestigious youth orchestras such as the National Youth Orchestra of Spain (JONDE), Ibero-American Youth Orchestra (Simón-Bolívar + JONDE), Andalusian Youth Orchestra (OJA), Orchestra of the “Reina Sofía” School of Music in Madrid, the Barenboim-Said Academy Orchestra, and the International Youth Orchestra (IYO), among others.

In his professional career, he has collaborated with and continues to collaborate with orchestras such as: Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra, Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra, Norwegian Radio Orchestra (KORK), Kristiansand Symphony Orchestra (KSO), Spanish Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra (ORTVE), Gran Canaria Philharmonic Orchestra (OFGC), Royal Seville Symphony Orchestra (ROSS), Córdoba Symphony Orchestra, Granada City Orchestra (OCG), Málaga Philharmonic Orchestra (OFM), Provincial Symphony Orchestra of Málaga (OSPM), University Chamber Orchestra of Málaga (OCUMA), European Mediterranean Symphony Orchestra, Moldovan Symphony Orchestra, and the Andalusian Classical Orchestra…

He has participated in numerous recordings for record labels such as Decca, Naxos, and Lawo, as well as for Spanish and Norwegian radio and television.

He has worked under the baton of renowned conductors such as Gustavo Dudamel, Daniel Barenboim, Jukka-Pekka Saraste, Edward Gardner, Klaus Mäkelä, Petr Popelka, Bruno Aprea, Lutz Köhler, Karl-Heinz Steffens, Pablo González, E. García Asensio…

In the field of jazz, Antonio has been part of ensembles such as the Big Boss Big Band (Oslo) and the Granada Big Band. He has performed with musicians like Perico Sambeat, Vicente Amigo, Julián Sánchez, David Pastor, Voro García, Ernesto Aurignac, and Tony Belenguer, among others. In the realm of popular music, he has performed alongside artists such as Ricky Martin, Joan Manuel Serrat, Miguel Ríos, Carlos Vives, and Raphael.

In the field of teaching, he has been a member of the Andalusian Corps of Music and Performing Arts Teachers, working at the “Manuel Carra” Professional Conservatory of Music in Málaga, the “Andrés Segovia” Professional Conservatory of Music in Linares, the “María de Molina” Professional Conservatory of Music in Úbeda, and the “Chelista Ruiz Casaux” Elementary Conservatory of Music.

He has also been invited to teach as a guest professor in both Spain and Norway at institutions such as: the University of Bergen Grieg Academy, Málaga Higher Education Conservatory of Music, Royal Conservatory of Music “Victoria Eugenia” in Granada, Higher Education Conservatory of Music “Rafael Orozco” in Córdoba, University of Oslo Norwegian Academy of Music (NMH), Toneheim Folkehøgskole in Hamar, “Ramón Garay” Professional Conservatory of Music in Jaén, and Marcos Redondo Professional Conservatory of Music in Ciudad Real, among others.

Antonio Vera has been Principal Trumpet of the Norwegian National Opera and Ballet Orchestra (Den Norske Opera & Ballet National Orchestra) and has been a Trumpet Professor, Chamber Music Instructor, and Orchestral Repertoire Teacher at the Barratt Due Institute of Music in Oslo since September 2016.