General rules
Brass Academy Alicante
2024-2025 course

General objectives
International preparation of admitted students for competitions, orchestral tests, concerts and competitions.
Improvement of high performance instruments.
Classes with recognized teachers and their assistants.
Rehearsals, regular classes, concerts and tours with the various chamber groups of the BAA (Brass Academy Alicante). All these activities are an essential part of the training and help to increase the professional experience of the trainees.
Participation in the concerts of the BAA Summer Festival (depending on the annual schedule).
Artistic direction and secretariat
Masters Rudi Korpy Nury Guarnaschelli are in charge of the artistic direction and artistic secretariat of the Academy.
The directors together with the BAA’s art council (teacher staff) make all decisions on subjects such as admission of students, invitation of teachers for Masterclasses or concerts, planning of rehearsals, concerts, courses, tours, chairs of orchestral repertoire, etc.
Admission of students and choice of scholarships
Once a year (in March), face-to-face hearings are held in front of a panel of teachers or by video for the admission of scholarship students (help with the payment of annual tuition fees or Full Scholarship).
Students accepted as scholarship holders have a 3-month probationary period (until Christmas holidays).
Lack of serious study as well as misconduct at the Academy will be sufficient reasons to interrupt the occasional discount on tuition fees or, failing that, if there is a Full Scholarship.
Students will also lose their scholarship if they do not fulfill their obligations as a scholarship holder (attending all activities and classes).
Loss of the scholarship will mean paying the amount of the scholarship or forfeiture of your classes and study place at the Academy.
At the end of the course, the art council will evaluate the work done by the student,
and, if successful, the student has the opportunity to extend his/her studies at the BAA as a fellow.
Enrolment for fellows/ Funding of fellowships
The Brass Academy Alicante awards an annual scholarship to some of the admitted students, but retains all proceeds from events, concerts, donations, etc. to finance educational activities and annual grants.
All rights to image and record the Academy’s activities during the course remain the property of the BAA.
Social return of scholarship benefits
Upon completion of their studies at the Academy, successful students will be encouraged to remain in professional contact with the Brass Academy Alicante and contribute to the development of new scholarship students. The (voluntary) contribution may be in the form of participation in concerts, lessons for current students or donations.
Academic course
The academic course lasts 9 months and starts in the first week of October and ends in June of the following year.
In the following periods the academy will remain closed.
Dates and holiday periods may vary exceptionally depending on the concerts or
tours that so require.

22 December to 6 January, Christmas holidays and New Year.
1 July to 30 September, Summer holidays.
Pedagogical activities
Teaching and lessons
Each student is entitled to 4 individual lessons per month of 60 minutes, in addition to chamber music and orchestral repertoire classes.
Stage activities
Scholarship students will be selected to be members of any or all of the BAA chamber groups or ensembles.
Also in these groups, the principal teachers and the art council will select: the students who will take part in a group or another, the works and where each student plays.
Participation in at least one of the Academy’s ensembles is compulsory for scholarship students.
Each student must take responsibility for the material transferred and pay for it or replace it if it were lost.
Behaviour on and off the stage and at headquarters must not only be of the highest quality, but also reflect the ideals and reputation of the BAA.
In the event of serious misconduct, the management of the Academy may decide to suspend or modify a grant or expel a student.
Quality of study required.
Students who do not show the expected progress will receive a warning from their principal teachers.
If, despite the warning, the student does not show effort, he or she may lose his or her scholarship post or checkbook post.
Library and media library.
All Brass Academy students have the right to use and take home materials from the Brass Academy Library and Media Library.
They also take responsibility for this material, which they may have at their disposal for a maximum of two weeks.
In case of loss you must buy it and replace it to the library and Media Library of the Academy.
They also take responsibility for this material, which they may have at their disposal for a maximum of two weeks.
In case of loss you must buy it and replace it at the library.
Certificates of study
At the end of the academic year, the student may apply to the BAA Secretariat for a Certificate of Completion signed by the Director of the Academy, the Artistic Secretary and their Principal Teacher.
If, in addition to this type of certificate, other certificates are required for various purposes, the student will always contact the secretary indicating what type of certificate he needs and what should appear on it.
General summary
Each student must follow all these rules and must respect the decisions made by the board and secretariat of the Academy.
Each student must behave in a way that respects the high ethical standards of the BAA, this implies the correct use of the classrooms assigned for study or activities (light off, objects placed correctly, not eating or drinking in the classroom and throwing any kind of trash in the trash bin).
Any problems that a student has should first be reported to the manager-secretary of the Academy who will decide whether to solve them there or to refer them to the Brass Academy Board of Directors for resolution.
It is the student’s responsibility to find accommodation during the period of study, although the secretary can help him/her as much as possible.
When there are concerts or auditions and the student official member of a group has to be absent, he or she must apply for a permit for this purpose to the management, through the secretariat.
In the event that the student has concerts as a soloist, competitions or competitions and provided that such permission is requested at least two weeks in advance, the permission will be granted (as far as possible).
Such a request shall be submitted in writing to the Secretariat of the BAA:, highlighting the reason for the absence.
Discounts for Masterclasses
Scholarship students will receive a 20% discount on Masterclasses
organised by the BAA . Student checkers receive a 10% discount.
Writing a resume Vitae
BAA scholarship students are required to leave on their Curriculum and
social networks that are BAA scholarship students for the duration of their studies at the BAA.
A fine will be imposed on students who are late for a rehearsal or concert without notice.
Test fine: 5 euros
Fine for general rehearsal: 5 euros
Fine for the concert: 20 euros

Students are expected to be at least 20 minutes before rehearsals, to warm up properly and be on time for activities.
This money will go to a “savings pool” or jackpot that will be used at the end of the year for the end-of-year party.
When a student does not come to an agreed class without notice, he loses that class and will not be answered.
If a student is late for their class, they only receive the remaining class minutes.
In case of justified illness, the class will be repaired to the student.
Students who are clearly liable for damage to the Academy’s headquarters or equipment (loss of equipment belonging to the house, etc.) must return or pay for it.
Alicante , 1 October 2023
Artistic direction
Brass Academy Alicante