Horn Teachers

Nury Guarnaschelli                                  Jörg Brückner              Yun Zeng 

   José García Gutierrez 

Guest Teachers (International masterclasses )


 Stefan Dohr

Nury Guarnaschelli
Former soloist- Vienna Radio Orchestra, Stuttgart Philharmonic, SOB Berlin and GMJO
Member of the Ensembles: Vienna Brass / Austrian Horns/ Spanish Horns

Jörg Brückner

Solohornist in Münchner Philharmoniker /Horn Teacher in Hochschule für Musik “Franz Liszt” Weimar

José García Gutierrez 

Solohorn ADDA sinfónica.

Visiting lecturers 2024-2025
Stefan Dohr (Solo Horn Berliner Philharmoniker)

Registration open for the course 2024- 2025

Nuevo Formulario-inscripcion-2024-2025

Information and registration: office@brassacademy.com

Audition Repertoire:

*First movement of a classical concerto of choice: Mozart 3rd Concerto or Mozart 4th Concerto.

Participants may choose to present 3 of the following orchestral solos:

*Brahms: Symphony No. 3, (3rd Mov.)

*R. Strauss: Till Eulenspiegel

*R. Strauss: Ein Heldenleben.

*L.V. Beethoven Symphony No. 6, (3rd Mov.)

Audition dates:

April 6, 2024, 10 a.m.-1 p.m
Calle Ciudad de Matanzas 5 , 03 005 Alicante
Or via video uploaded to Youtube, sent from now until April 5.
together with the registration form to office@brassacademy.com

Price of enrollment complete study: 2.800 ,- €

A 200 € discount will be applied to the full study mode for payments made before September 20th.

Terms and dates of payment: read general terms and conditions.

Full study activities

* 4 individual lessons per month of 60 minutes or 3 individual lessons of 80 minutes.
* Chamber music, Brass Ensemble and collective orchestral repertoire classes
* 20% discount on Masterclasses organised by the Brass Academy Alicante.
* Free participation as listener in the Masterclasses organized by the Brass Academy Alicante.
* Possibility to participate in the Ensemble Brass Academy Alicante and the Brass Academy Horns
(by means of aptitude tests).

* Technical improvement and orchestral repertoire, as well as preparation for orchestral tests or competitions.

Ticket for 5 annual classes “S”: 450 Euros
Tuition fee for 10 annual classes “M”: 900 Euros

* Individual lessons of 60 minutes with the professors of the chair
* Possibility to participate free of charge as a listening student in all Masterclasses and other classes in the
Brass Academy Alicante.

Terms and dates of payment: read general terms and conditions.

ONLINE modality (BAA student from your own country or city !)

At the end of the academic year of study at the Brass Academy Alicante , the artistic direction of the Academy
delivers a certificate-diploma of studies to the student according to the studies and modalities carried out.